Apk Installer / Apk Manager / Apk Share will easily manager your installed application, apk file, backups apk, share apk, move apk, move app, uninstall multiple app.
Apk Manager can also show you installed app size and actual apk size.
This App is completely Free.
●App Installer
Batch install .APK files from internal storage or Secondary SD card.
●App Uninstaller
Batch uninstall unwanted apps easily.
●App Backup
Batch export .APK files to SD Card.
●App Size / Apk Size
Easily check installed app size and actual size of apk.
●APK Info
Detailed APK file information. (installation path, package name)
●APK Share
Share the app with your friends easily. (APK File or Play URL)
●APK Move
Move apk to other location or directly share to others
●Security Scanner
Keep your system away from the latest threats. In-app Advertising, Analytics Add-ons Detector and APK Signature Verification.
Keywords :- Apk Installer New, Apk Manager, App Manager, Apk share, App Share, 2019, Apk Downloader, App Manager, App Sharer, App Sharer 2019, Apk Manager 2019.
Apk Installer / Apk Manager / Apk Share将轻松管理您安装的应用程序,apk文件,备份apk,分享apk,移动apk,移动应用程序,卸载多个应用程序。
Apk Manager还可以显示已安装的应用程序大小和实际的apk大小。
●App Installer
●App Uninstaller
●应用程序大小/ Apk大小
详细的APK文件信息。 (安装路径,包名称)
轻松与您的朋友分享应用程序。 (APK文件或播放URL)
使您的系统远离最新威胁。应用内广告,Google Analytics附加组件检测器和APK签名验证。
关键字: - Apk Installer New,Apk Manager,App Manager,Apk share,App Share,2019,Apk Downloader,App Manager,App Sharer,App Sharer 2019,Apk Manager 2019。